Born in 1981 in Florida, USA

Lives and works in Los Angeles, USA

J. Patrick Walsh, the artist otherwise known as JPW3, enacts alchemical transformations that turn thriftstore finds and common objects into art-making mediums. Making much of his work from wax, he casts sculptures from melted candles using ramps and wheels as the molds, and makes transfer prints from newsprint onto canvas. JPW3's use of wax has formal and conceptual resonance. Known for its plasticity—the substance molds to temperature as definitely as sound defines itself against ambient noise—and as recording medium, the material out of which early vinyl records were pressed.

According to the artist: “My materials are an excess of fuel...yet from these materials new meanings form as I use them in experiments continuously relating found, fabricated, and raw elements.” (JPW3)


JPW3 completed an MFA at the University of Southern California, Loas Angeles, USA and a BFA at The School of the Art Insitute of Chicago, Chicago, USA. 

Selected solo exhibitions include: "32 Leaves, I Don't, The Face of Smoke", Night Gallery, Los Angeles, USA (2014), "Solid Single Burner", Michael Jon Gallery, Miami, USA (2014) and "Dirty Zen Zone (Get Fucked In the Mind)", USC Ultra Lab Anechoic Chamber, Loas Angeles, USA (2010).

Selected group exhibitions include: "t,o,u,c,h,i,n,g", Robert Blumenthal, New York, USA (2014), "Inaugural Group Show", Loudhailer, Los Angeles, USA (2014), "Dark Star", Basilica Hudson, New York, USA (2013), "Naked Gläubigen / Be leaf me", Infernoesque, Berlin, Germany (2013), "The New Now," Carter & Citizen, Los Angeles, USA (2013) and "IT-THOU", Micheal Thibault Gallery, Los Angeles, USA (2013).

JPW3, P Anechoic, 2014, Wax and ink on canvas, 213.5 x 152.5 cm JPW3, P Anechoic, 2014, Wax and ink on canvas, 213.5 x 152.5 cm