Gregor Hildebrandt
Born in 1974, Bad Homburg, Germany
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany
Gregor Hildebrandt makes great use of pre-recorded cassette tapes as material in his pictures and installations. The tapes are applied directly onto canvases and photographic prints and in room-sized installations. Although Hildebrandt’s work makes formal reference to Minimalism, the addition of a great number of subjective and autobiographical citations actually deliberately repudiates this strategy.
For Hildebrandt, the cassette tape as artistic medium, especially in its original function of storage medium, fulfils an important function: it enables the artist to add a further “invisible” dimension to his pictures. Playing with perception in this way is a major characteristic of his work; the picture is completed in the head of the viewer.
If the contemplation of his art incorporates the heterogeneous cosmos of Gregor Hildebrandt’s references to music, film, literature and, last but not least, art history, his works turn out to be complex montages, in which pictorial associations from different spheres combine and interpenetrate. Hildebrandt employs the material of his every-day environment without aesthetic or theoretical inhibition and playfully links aspects of conceptual art and minimal art with his personal life and experience of pop culture.
Solo exhibitions: 2012 Museum Van Bommel van Dam with Jorinde Voigt, Venlo, Netherlands, 2009 Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, 2008, Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, St. Louis, Hokuspokus, Kunstverein Schwerte, Schwerte, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, 2007 Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, Paris, 2006 B:1F-134, UBERBAU, Düsseldorf with Alicja Kwade, 2005, 2004 allnightlong, Kaiserpassage 21a, Karlsruhe (with Jenny Rosemeyer), Arsenal HKM1, Raum für Kunst, Mainz, 2003 Dunst blauer Tage, Kunstverein Eislingen (cat.), Hausmusik, Mt. Warning, Berlin, Black Flags under the Yellow Moon, Hinterconti, Hamburg (with Carola Deye), 2002 Tönende Jugend, WBD, Berlin.
Centre Pompidou, Paris, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Sammlung zeitgenössische Kunst des Bundes, Berlin, Sammlung Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo, The Netherlands