30.04. - 31.05.2010
Changing The World
Erik Bulatov, Sophie Calle, William Cordova, Wim Delvoye, Anton Henning, Thomas Hirschhorn, Ilya und Emilia Kabakov, Jitish Kallat, Jon Kessler, Karsten Konrad, Julije Knifer, Enrique Martinez Celaya, Josephine Meckseper, Vik Muniz, Muntean Rosenblum, Julian Rosefeldt, Charles Sandison, Dennis Scholl, Nedko Solakov, Hiroshi Sugito, Ena Swansea, Mathilde Ter Heijne, Keith Tyson, Ralf Ziervogel...
ARNDT will inaugurate its new exhibition space during the “Berlin Gallery Weekend“ (30 April to 2 May 2010) on Friday, 30 April, from 5 - 10 p.m. Located on Potsdamer Strasse 96 in Berlin, the opening exhibition will feature new works by the core gallery Located on the second floor of the „Wintergarten Varieté“, ARNDT’s future spaces will encompass almost 400 m2, including a ballroom dated from the 19th century with an original wooden coffered ceiling of 5 meter height as main exhibition and “Signature Space”. Berlin based Canadian Architect David Saik, designer of numerous projects for the arts, has been commissioned for the project. Saik’s recent completed work includes studios for the artists Jeff Wall and Steven Shearer.
artists as well as invited guests: Erik Bulatov, Sophie Calle, William Cordova, Wim Delvoye, Gilbert & George, Anton Henning, Thomas Hirschhorn, Ilya und Emilia Kabakov, Jitish Kallat, Jon Kessler, Vik Muniz, Muntean Rosenblum, Julian Rosefeldt, Nedko Solakov, Mathilde ter Heijne, Keith Tyson, Ralf Ziervogel and others.
““Changing The World” argues that it is possible to change the world and that we must continually search for and strive to achieve this. “Changing the World” also posits that art and artists have the means and the potential to bring about change in our world. Artists question the world we live in, they challenge the status quo and our conventions, think introspectively and conjure up brand-new, alternative worlds. Many recent exhibitions have explored artists’ relationships with the world, among them “Being in the World” (Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection – Cifo Miami, 2009/2010), “Fare Mundi/Making Worlds” (53rd Venice Biennial, 2009), “Weltempfänger/World Receiver” (Kunsthalle Hamburg, 2007/2008), and the upcoming group exhibition “Promesses du Passé/Promises from the past” (Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 14 April to 19 July 2010).“ Art does not provide answers, it merely increases and refines the questions,” argued Jan Hoet in 1992 with his “documenta IX”. Like no other exhibition before it or since, the works of the artists opened the viewers’ eyes, stimulated, captivated and shocked their senses. It is this constant desire and courage to bring about change that I believe forms the common denominator and connection between even the most seemingly diverse artistic positions to which I dedicate my first exhibition.” Matthias Arndt
After pioneering in 1994, being the first commercial gallery with an international focus in former East Berlin, and after opening various gallery locations in Berlin Mitte over the past 16 years, Matthias Arndt positions himself for the first time in the former western part of Berlin, introducing at the same time a new vibrant art district to the international public.
To view a selection of the exhibited works, please click on the picture underneath.