10.06. – 21.07.07
William Cordova
“Pachacuti (Stand up next to a mountain)”
Solo exhibition at Arndt & Partner, Zurich

Arndt & Partner Zurich are pleased to present the first solo show by William Cordova in Switzerland. New works of the 1971 Peruvian born, Houston, Miami and New York-based artist will be on view.
A room-filling, wooden installation, interspersed with intimate, coloured drawings, is the scenic starting point of Cordova's project "Pachacuti". Delicate, cryptic drawings on found paper - tagged by the artist as "Lumpen Art" - make a picture show bridging the vernacular and the Inca culture. Without doubt inspired by his own transcultural background, this personal iconography aims at the profound meaning of landscape, language and history as shaping society. Here, Cordova is interested in the rejected, but equally so in the forgotten and lost rising again from behind the realities of the present, yet ultimately sparing the former from being touched.
"Pachacuti" is a Quechua word, used by the Inca to denote "the world turned upside down" or cataclysm. William Cordova associates with this the resistance of a people that, while colonised by invaders, succeeded in maintaining its own, marginalized identity. With the installation "Pachacuti" at the Zurich exhibition, Cordoba creates a labyrinth as a response to the complex array of facts and manipulation at work in constructing the truth.