ARNDT  is delighted to announce its first participation at Melbourne Art Fair 2012 from 1 - 5 August 2012.
We are looking forward welcoming you at our Booth D05.

Please click here to see the full list of exhibited works.

Presented Artists:
Sophie Calle
Gilbert & George
Jitish Kallat
Robert Mapplethorpe
Eko Nugroho
Thomas Scheibitz
Chiharu Shiota
Entang Wiharso

Melbourne Art Fair
Royal Exhibition Building
Carlton Gardens

For further information please contact the Lisa Polten (

Sophie Calle, Is it better, 2012, Color photograph, picture postcard, aluminum, text, frame, 75 x 100 cm, 75 x 120 cm, 75 x 100 cm | 29.53 x 39.37 in, 29.53 x 47.24 in, 29.53 x 39.37 in, Number 2 from an edition of 3 (E), # CALL0346 Sophie Calle, Is it better, 2012, Color photograph, picture postcard, aluminum, text, frame, 75 x 100 cm, 75 x 120 cm, 75 x 100 cm | 29.53 x 39.37 in, 29.53 x 47.24 in, 29.53 x 39.37 in, Number 2 from an edition of 3 (E), # CALL0346 Sophie Calle, The view of my life, from the series: The Autobiographies, 2010, Color photograph, aluminum, text, frame, 120 x 170 cm + 50 x 50 cm (47 1/4 x 67 in + 19 3/4 x 19 3/4 in), Number 3 from an edition of 5 E, # CALL0344 Sophie Calle, The view of my life, from the series: The Autobiographies, 2010, Color photograph, aluminum, text, frame, 120 x 170 cm + 50 x 50 cm (47 1/4 x 67 in + 19 3/4 x 19 3/4 in), Number 3 from an edition of 5 E, # CALL0344 Sophie Calle, Torero, 2003, B/W photography plus  text, photo:  170 x 100 cm / 66,9 x 39,3 in, text: 50 x 50 / 19,7 x 19,7 in, edition of 5 (English), CALL0182 Sophie Calle, Torero, 2003, B/W photography plus text, photo: 170 x 100 cm / 66,9 x 39,3 in, text: 50 x 50 / 19,7 x 19,7 in, edition of 5 (English), CALL0182 Sophie Calle, Ecrivain public / Public letter writer, Rafaèle Decarpigny, from the series: Prenez soin de vous, 2007, 2/2: Photo 113 x 140 cm, Text   53 x 53 cm, edition english: edition of 3 + 1AP Sophie Calle, Ecrivain public / Public letter writer, Rafaèle Decarpigny, from the series: Prenez soin de vous, 2007, 2/2: Photo 113 x 140 cm, Text 53 x 53 cm, edition english: edition of 3 + 1AP Sophie Calle, Écrivain, Performeuse Chloé Delaume / Writer Chloé Delaume, from the series: Prenez soin de vous, 2007, photo 63 x 78 cm | 24.8 x 30.71 in; text 63 x 45 cm | 24.8 x 17.72 in, edition of 3 + AP (english), CALL0323 Sophie Calle, Écrivain, Performeuse Chloé Delaume / Writer Chloé Delaume, from the series: Prenez soin de vous, 2007, photo 63 x 78 cm | 24.8 x 30.71 in; text 63 x 45 cm | 24.8 x 17.72 in, edition of 3 + AP (english), CALL0323 Sophie Calle, Hotel Room 28 (Feb 16-19) from the series The Hotel, 1983, ektacolour print and b/w photograph, each 104,5 x 141,5 cm /41,14 x 55,71 in, edition of 3 (English), CALL0190 Sophie Calle, Hotel Room 28 (Feb 16-19) from the series The Hotel, 1983, ektacolour print and b/w photograph, each 104,5 x 141,5 cm /41,14 x 55,71 in, edition of 3 (English), CALL0190 Sophie Calle, The Birthday Ceremony, 1986, 1980 – 93, showcase containing various personal objects, 170 x 78 x 40 cm/66,93 x 30,71 x 15,75 in, unique, CALL0184 Sophie Calle, The Birthday Ceremony, 1986, 1980 – 93, showcase containing various personal objects, 170 x 78 x 40 cm/66,93 x 30,71 x 15,75 in, unique, CALL0184 Gilbert & George, DEATH CRASH, From: London Pictures, 2011, 6 panels, 151 x 190 cm | 59.45 x 74.8 in, # GILB0126 Gilbert & George, DEATH CRASH, From: London Pictures, 2011, 6 panels, 151 x 190 cm | 59.45 x 74.8 in, # GILB0126 Jitish Kallat, Chronology of a Cloud-burst, 2011-12, Oil, acrylic and pencil on linen, bronze, 193,04 x 193,04 cm | 76 x 76 in, # JKAL0052 Jitish Kallat, Chronology of a Cloud-burst, 2011-12, Oil, acrylic and pencil on linen, bronze, 193,04 x 193,04 cm | 76 x 76 in, # JKAL0052 Eko Nugroho , Trap Costum for President 1, 2011, Embroidered rayon thread on fabric backing, 180 x 156 cm | 70.87 x 61.42 in, # NUGR0037 Eko Nugroho , Trap Costum for President 1, 2011, Embroidered rayon thread on fabric backing, 180 x 156 cm | 70.87 x 61.42 in, # NUGR0037 Chiharu Shiota, Zustand des Seins (Globus) / State of Being (Globe) , 20012, Acrylic box, globe, black thread, 30 x 30 x 30 cm | 11.81 x 11.81 x 11.81 in, # SHIO0018 Chiharu Shiota, Zustand des Seins (Globus) / State of Being (Globe) , 20012, Acrylic box, globe, black thread, 30 x 30 x 30 cm | 11.81 x 11.81 x 11.81 in, # SHIO0018 Chiharu Shiota, Zustand des Seins (Fotoapparat) / State of Being (Camera) , 2012, Acrylic box, camera, black thread, 30 x 30 x 30 cm | 11.81 x 11.81 x 11.81 in, # SHIO0017 Chiharu Shiota, Zustand des Seins (Fotoapparat) / State of Being (Camera) , 2012, Acrylic box, camera, black thread, 30 x 30 x 30 cm | 11.81 x 11.81 x 11.81 in, # SHIO0017